So it is that the best laid plans always change...
Well, kinda out of the blue I have decided not to send Lovely to the Montessori preschool that Hug went to, at least not for now.
So I am now getting excited about the possibilities of actually homeschooling him with the Montessori Method... or the Rainbow-Mama-Montessori-Method! ;)
While Hug was 'officially' a Montessori student I felt that I could only play around the edges of Montessori at home - his teacher had made it clear that it wasn't an good idea to replicate any of the real Montessori materials in the home as it would take away from his experience at school. At the time I was slightly incensed but eventually accepted it & think that it's probably not bad advice. Anyway, it means that I have spent the past two years trying to think of activities that are in the *spirit* of Montessori without actually being - a rather convoluted experience!
So... I am going back to basics. Back to Maria & the philosophy. I want to read *lots* and immerse myself in the ideology. I want to read a bit more about Steiner (Waldorf) as well and start to really get a deep understanding of where I can see the two meet and where they diverge.
I hope that Rainbow-Mama-Montessori will be all about the holistic (mind, body, spirit) development of the child and not-so-much about advanced academics. It will be earthy. It will be about the true spirit of Montessori with a kinda new-age edge... Let's see how it unrolls.
Please wish me luck! All advice is encouraged :)