Well, I haven't exactly been blogging prolifically as a Rainbow mama! Tee-hee! I've been quite busy with the boys as we're still in summer holiday mode here, swimming lessons & playing at the beach and eating mangoes. Lots of fun. I *have* made my first handmade gifts for the year - 2 birthdays down - so I should post about those soon :)
On a fun note, the ever lovely & totally inspiring Laura from My Montessori Journey (who has a new 2nd, more personal, blog which is just delightful! check it out :) honoured me with this cool award:

So, apparently I have to list 6 things that inspire my creativity. Of my head these are...
+ Art. The great works, artists and designers. And the simple purity of my children's art.
+ Mama Earth. The beauty around me, rainbows and rolling hills and the ocean...
+ www. Mama-bloggers, funky young designers and creative folk, new typography, creative parenting, beautiful photography... with the web I'm always inspired.
+ Bookstores. I'm a bit book-crazy at the moment! I *love* bookstores and totally relax in them so much so that it's like an out of body experience! Newsagencies are kinda the same. Ditto libraries. I completely relax and find my groove.
+ Interior design. I find myself really creatively inspired by quirky interiors, perfectly balanced or perfectly awkward combinations of colour and beautiful architecture. Fantastic!
+ Hope. A hopeful heart will always find itself with creative inspiration. {Go Obama!}
Phew! Easier said than done ;) Now, I must nominate 6 other blogs that inspire me. I am SO SO SO constantly inspired in my thinking by the wonderful Montessori blogs that I read & the Steiner ones that I'm starting to discover but lots of them seem to have already received this award so I think that I will go with my arty-crafty instincts & say...
Anna Maria Horner, Maya*Made, Little Red Caboose, The Artful Parent, The Write Start, Uncommon Grace, Absolutely Beautiful Things
p.s. There's a great giveaway competition (open to worldwide readers. Yippee!) at The Crafty Crow at the moment. Take a look at the gorgeous etsy store.
p.p.s Yup, that's 7 :)