Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunset & Tigers

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I heart vacuuming ;)

Parts of a Fish

I have pulled out a big basket of relevant books from our own collection & this morning I put together a cool Parts of a Fish activity based on this fish image which I Google-d.

I printed out a Control card from photo-paper & mounted it, then made some 'puzzle' pieces with the named parts from another print on photo-paper, cutting them out & labeling them on the back of each piece. Finally, I printed out some extra copies for us to colour & label for ourselves.

It was just Hug & I working today but I will do a simplified version of the colouring with Lovely & hope to make some Nomenclature Cards for the Parts of a Fish too. I must start a account so that I can share some of the materials I'm making :)
P.S Jennie at Our Montessori Story is thinking about the same curriculum. Is anyone using it already?
Monday, April 27, 2009
What Hug's been working on

I'd love to know what any trained Montessori teachers would make of this but we had lots of fun & certainly went further into Hug's understanding of Maths in a very hands-on way so it felt like a very successful morning.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Easter Friday in Chinatown

Here are the munchkins, watching the magic happen. It's a bit tricky to see but there is a man (you can see his hand) using the ice-crusher behind the counter.
The boys rarely have had the opportunity to be a city at night & we stopped on the way back to our hotel to visit a cathedral lit up for the Easter Friday service. Beautiful.

Kapla wooden blocks

I was just looking at the French website and was amazed at how Montessori it all sounded. I quote "The child builds to build himself". Wow! Sound familiar?! You can read more here about the pedagogical value of the blocks... I could quote everything from this link but shall leave you to look if you're interested. I also came across an American website.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Love and understand the Universe...
"It is not enough for the teacher to love the child.
She must first love and understand the universe.
She must prepare herself, and truly work at it"
Maria Montessori
Friday, April 17, 2009
Parents Workshop with Tim Seldin

I have just had the wonderful experience of attending a Montessori Parents Workshop with Tim Seldin! It was a 4-hour-long open discussion with only about a dozen parents & I found it full of insights.
Tim has an amazingly rich Montessori heritage... he attended a Montessori school from 2 until he was 18 that had been founded by his mother, I believe, before eventually taking over the school himself as headmaster. Today, he's the head of the International Montessori Foundation & author of a number of books like 'How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way' (btw, apparently his publisher insisted on that title & he really doesn't like!) and 'The Montessori Way' (co-authored) which I just bought a copy of. I had seen it online, not knowing much about it, but when I actually saw it I realised what a treasure-trove of information it is. It's unlike any other Montessori book I've come across.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Earth Foil Wrapped Chocolates

I'm starting to look at the Montessori geography work with my boys & I'm sure that these Earth Balls would be a big hit with my little learners!
p.s Hope you had a Happy Easter! We had a great trip away. Pix to come :)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Those eggs...

The eggs we used were laid by the chickens at our friends house where we were staying over the weekend & the boys got to feed the chickens & collect the eggs all by themselves. They loved it!
Over the same weekend I was reading the *amazing* book' A Montessori Mother' (more to come on this wonderful book or look it up on Google Reader if you can't wait :) and reading about the importance of the children being responsible for the welfare of animals and plants. Fascinating stuff.
But. back to the eggs...
Easter Activity | Real chocolate eggs!

** Please consider kitchen hygiene, make sure you keep them in the fridge and eat them within 24 hours if you make these **
So, this might be a crazy idea!
But we had some of that delicious organic milk chocolate left over from making the bunnies... & it occurred to me that it would be lots of fun for the boys to have a real egg filled with chocolate on Easter morning.
I blew out, washed & dried some eggs (in the sun to make sure they were clean & dry).
Melted the chocolate.
Put some masking tape over the small hole at the top of the egg & tipped it upside down...
And attempted to get that chocolate in!
It wasn't as easy as one would think. Here I am taking a photo of myself trying to get it in with a funnel. Put down the camera Amber & focus ;)
The funnel was a bit of a messy disaster (not that I was complaining about being covered in chocolate! yum.) but I eventually discovered that it was quite easy to use a piping bag.
So, they're in the fridge now & I had thought to try to 'mend' the hole at the bottom with some tissue paper or the like but I think that I'll just sit them in an egg carton, or some of our colourful cracked shells.
What will they be like? I can't see why they won't be fabulous but seeing that they're still to be tested I can only advise you to recreate them at your own risk ;) I shall report back after the "big day".
Easter Activity | Stuffing an egg!

Easter activity | Transfers onto plain eggs

Easter Activity | Our colourful eggs

Easter Activity | Colour mixing masterclass!

Hug set to work mixing them all together until he had a variety of dark concoctions.