Saturday, September 13, 2008
Montessori Wisdom
I just read this great Montessori post over at Starry Sky Ranch and wanted to link to it. Method over madness :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Unschooling in the a.m.
Okay, so things are going well here! Much better than I could have anticipated in fact :)
When Hug was at preschool I was always kinda nervous about the days that I had both boys at home. It seemed like everything was always a bit crazy! Well, it was & I guess in a lot of ways it still is :) but, I am feeling so prepared (more on that later) and the boys are working together & getting on so well. I'm getting them both involved in a lot more of the daily household jobs... cooking (Lovely helped me make a Lasagna last night!), hanging out the washing, putting washing on, mopping...
Anyway, I digress from the original idea for the post! I guess my home-schooling approach at the moment is one of unschooling with a lot of Montessori influence and some Steiner as well. An eclectic mix and I hear women all around the world saying that theirs is an eclectic mix too :)

Tucked in the back of the same plastic sleeve as the brain puzzle was this Ant life cycle work, again something I probably made up about a year ago but haven't had out in ages. Hug and I recreated the life cycle (the master is on the black card just out of view) and then Hug wanted to do one of the colouring sheets. We got the Children's Encyclopedia of Animals out & I explained using the contents page and looked at the ants to see their colouring as Hug was interested.
Phew! Not bad for 7.15 am!!
Now, I've probably bored any teachers or veteran homeschoolers to tears here with this stuff but it's all exciting & new to us so please forgive me :)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Shoe washing
I know I've been a bit slow on the Montessori activities recently. That's one of the things about being on an *adventure*... sometimes you go off on unusual and unexpected paths, and that is kinda happening here at the moment. But, here is a cool and simple Montessori-style activity we did: Washing those Crocs!

Painting Rocks
We have been painting rocks (and more) this week!

A while ago I was reading a Chasing Cheerios post about a shell matching game and commented that I might make myself a version using rocks. Then this week Chasing Cheerios actually had a rock matching game. Eeeek! We had never got around to it ourselves. But I did have the rocks. And I did have 2 precious little artists laying in wait. So... lets do it!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Fathers Day Part 2
We love nice breakfasts around here!

Fathers Day Part 1
T is such a hands-on dada who is totally involved in all aspects of family life so I knew that he would love nothing more than a morning of peace and quiet :) I also knew that he would want to actually spend fathers day morning with his boys so I secretly organised to evacuate the house on Saturday morning as soon as the boys woke.

After seeing a pod of about 15 or 20 dolphins (but no whales this time - a few weeks earlier Hug and I had seen a bunch!) we left and got some breaky at a beachside cafe followed by a play on the sand. Then, there was a birthday party to attend before finally returning to a much rejuvenated T :) just after lunch.

An early birthday and farewell
Seeing we are so close to Hug's birthday I thought that a birthday celebration with his friends would be a nice way to spend his last afternoon at preschool.

birthday parties
It's all about the process Mama
Hug has a cool artistic style all of his own. Of course, being his mama I might be more than a little biased :)

A day of beautiful views
T has been doing lots of publicity for his new book recently and we have been tagging along whenever we can so that's why we always seem to be away!

Avocado picking
We got to go avocado picking on my Mama's property last weekend.

Hug and homeschooling
Here is my beautiful big boy who will be 5 in just 2 short weeks. Wow.
A big thank you to the women who commented so kindly on my earlier post, and questions, about homeschooling. My apologies for not responding sooner. Originally, I was just sitting with their wisdom ... but then the earth shifted a little & a few dynamics changed & I made the sudden (I wouldn't have imagined even a week earlier that things would play out this way! It's strange how life has a special way of surprising us) decision to keep both boys home for the rest of the year.
It was a big decision to make especially because Hug's time in the Montessori program has been substantially *life-changing* for all of us. A huge adventure! But we are going to embark on our very own big adventure now and I couldn't be more thrilled. I just think that he will enjoy some extra mama & family time & here is an opportunity to spend the next 6 months together. After he starts school in the new year we may never have this opportunity again & once I realised that I jumped at the chance. It gives me the opportunity to fulfill my homeschool fantasies for this little while & who knows... maybe we will love it too much to stop?! Whatever happens, I feel like we're pushing a little boat out on the big river and we have a lot of unique time ahead of us.
I love you Hug.

The rest of our last trip!
Hello! I've been "missing in action" for the past 2 weeks! More on that later because I just want to catch up on all of the things we've been doing recently first. After the city adventure and Picasso exhibition we had a day by the beach and then a day in the country.

Going on an archeological dig! We visited a museum that featured an exhibition of the Megafauna period.
Some fun puzzles. I'm sure L thought he was just building a Kangaroo but apparently it was a Procoptodon.
