Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Garden Elf crown

When Hug was invited to a Fairies & Elves party I was a little stumped because although we have a lot of costumes at home there's nothing elfy. In typical-me-fashion I left thinking about it till the last moment but was pleasantly surprised with my last minute results!

The solution?: Making an elf crown! I cut a piece of woolen felt, freehand, & stitched on some felt leaves & attached it to a band of elastic.

A little detail goes a long way...

I used the sewing machine to attach the elastic but sewed the rest by hand. Again, it isn't perfect but it did the job. And the best part - He loves it! And when we teamed it with some green clothes, a knitted beanie, a swathe of green fabric tied toga-style and a belt - he looked great too.

I love this photo :)

Fb Comments
Comments :


  1. What a precious little elf you have! The crown was a great idea!

  2. Great idea! And I love the last photo, too. Clearly he was having a great time!

  3. It's wonderful that you were able to create such a charming elf crown for Hug!


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