Strawberries anyone?
If you're ANYTHING like me, you've been eating them by the bucketful recently. I totally and utterly heart them. The perfectly-imperfect ones from the local farmers market are always the best too - those über-huge supermarket ones can be disappOINTING CAN'T THEY.
Oops, cap locks. I got a little excited there. Understandably.
Annnnnnyway, enough about my strawberry fetishes ;)
Who wants to win a beautiful linen tablecloth from La Mia Bella Casa?!
Drool over the pictures, and I'll add the dirty details below...

I took these photos for La Mia Bella Casa a few months ago and fell in love with the tablecloths. They were the first things we shot together, and they made me all french-linen-fetishy!!!
Now, in celebration of Spring and strawberries and picnics and all things fabulous, they have decided to give one away, and all you have to do is 'like' their facebook page to be in the running. That's it.
And then come back here and tell me below where your favourite picnic spot is! - Okay, that's not actually part of the competition but I'd love to hear ;) Jump to it!
Amber. XO

p.s. This is not a sponsored post; I'm just sharing my photos and personal thoughts, and a link to their FAB competition - because I really want one of my readers to win! xx