Our map. We bought a map and laminated it so that everyone could touch it - sticky fingers and all. It's tested in a few spots in the house and finally found a home next to the book-reading couch, down low enough so that everyone can see it. Hug and I am enjoying looking at this
sticker book atlas (a great thrift-shop find, along with another recent great one: the
Flag sticker book) and because the map is laminated we are sticking the appropriate stickers on each area. Hug also came home from pre-school singing a fun Continents song (I just googled to see if I could find 'our' one - nope! But, gee there are a lot of options!) that he has taught us all. I *love* it! Even Little lovely-one knows all of the words :)

Gumboots. Sweet, sweet, gumboots. I love gumboots so much purely for the fact that my boys L.O.V.E. *love* luuuuurve them so darn much :) Here they are - little and big - lined up at the front door. They are so ratty and muddy and even torn (& they're not even 'old'! We bought Hug's ones while we were away at Easter) and this scene brought joy to my heart.
We house-sat / puppy-sat for friends over the weekend and they have just bought a lovely house in the hills. I fell in love with this gorgeous bird tap the moment I saw it. I want one!

Bento. For some reason that I'm not entirely sure of I got completely obsessed with Bento a few nights ago! Now, I have had this bug before but not for a while... and then suddenly I was on an all-night web hunt for the best bento photos I could find. This obviously wasn't one of them :) lol. Actually, this was my first attempt at bento for Hugi's lunch: Stirfried brown rice with a soy-sauce fish, cherry tomato, a mini spelt/kamut roll that i had baked and some cute goldfish crackers (thanks to my friend C in Florida).

Flying trapeze. Yup, that is me up there - flying through the air! T and I had a brilliant time doing this awesome trapeze class recently. Too cool.