I've decided to start a Rainbow Mama | Healthy Lunch Ideas section on da' blog :)
Starting today! Ta-daaaa.
Usually, when you 'show someone your lunch' it means a bad thing ;) Hahaha but this is going to be all about the GOOD THINGS. Now, not all my lunches are healthy - sometimes they're probably downright unhealthy - but I do try. And I bet you do too!
So here is the deal; I will post my own healthy lunch ideas at least once a week { scouts promise } and I'll link to some of your healthy lunch ideas too!
All you have to do is tag me @ambermelody and #rainbowmama #healthylunchideas on instagram if you want to join in :)
I've also set up a Pinterest Group Board where we can gather our droolsome makes and finds. A place to get inspired by wholesome, beautiful, fresh food... and each other. Want to pin with me? Follow the board, then leave me a comment below { or on one of these links: twitter, fb, insta } with your Pinterest URL and I'll add you.
What are you waiting for?! Come get inspired to eat well :D
Amber. XO
p.s. This quinoa and brown rice salad with roast pumpkin, lettuce, tomato, mixed sprouts, kalamata olives and dukkah { say that really fast... and then *breathe* !! } was actually my lunch today :) With a simple dressing of Apple Cider vinegar and that Lemon Myrtle Macadamia oil I was cooking with last weekend - if you follow me on FB you might remember that was part of my 'first chicken-roasting adventures! - Super-yummm.