And a kick-ass massage.
Isn't that what all of us need a little more of? ;) Umm, yeah!!

My surprise Mother's Day gift was exactly that. But to start, there I was happy hanging out with my munchkins and the dawg in the sunshine on the deck at home, reading the papers - and my new-love: Renegade Collective magazine - drinking good coffee that my 10 year old brewed up (I tell you that kid knows how to make a good coffee!) and eating french toast (again; courtesy of Buster B.) while T carefully deconstructed our bedroom* when out-of-the-blue I was told to pack my swimmers, brush my hair and jump in the car because we were headed into Byron for coffee.
** Having invested in new soft-box lights and a backdrop for our many creative projects we now realise we don't have enough space for them! Our bedroom would be a great space for a studio - if we didn't need a bedroom that is ;) We took the bed out to have a look, but it's all back to normal in there now. Kinda phew! and kinda unfortunately!! Need. Studio. Space.
Anyway, I don't say no to coffee. Or Byron. Or swimming. So there was little protesting from me :)
What I didn't know was that we were heading to the beautiful Byron at Byron resort and spa. And that I had a 12 o'clock appointment with the spa. #Ooooo. I love my boys!
So, here are a few photos I took to capture the laid-back beauty of what is one of my favourite Byron Bay escapes. I'm back there next month - staying for the weekend by serendipitous coincidence! - so there will be more photos to come, but for now - enjoy. x

Do you have a favourite spa?