Ooooo, I do enjoy Saturday mornings!
Today's farmers market haul was as follows:
+ 3 'fancy' lettuce
+ 1 kilo baby cucumbers
+ cherry tomatoes
+ 2 beautiful big tomatoes
+ 2 red capsicums
+ broccoli
+ organic baby bananas
+ 2 ripe avos
+ local beef sausages
+ one dozen 'jumbo' fresh local free-range eggs ( I love seeing these chickens roaming free every time I drive over the hill to Byron!)
+ a cauliflower
+ spinach
+ 4 tangelos
+ 2 lemons
+ homemade lemon butter
+ rhubarb
+ market focaccia
+ and a 'sticky swirl'!
Official YUM.
That was about sixty dollars worth of shopping. And a LOT more fun and colourful and healthful than what the few hundred dollars I spent at the supermarket this week got me!
Share your haul! What are YOU enjoying eating at the moment? x