Thursday, August 1, 2013

A quick gluten-free lasagne | Recipe

This is what we were eating for dinner last night. Lasagne! 

If you're feeling inspired here is my simple weeknight recipe:

1 pack of frozen chopped spinach (or fresh of course! but I like to have a stash of this in the freezer)
1 packet of feta cheese (I use sheep or goat's feta because one of my boys doesn't tolerate A1 milk protein which is the predominate protein in typical dairy products)
500 grams of organic beef mince (ground beef)
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
1 jar of tomato pasta sauce (I used a yummy one with lots of herbs and garlic)
1 packet of gluten-free pasta sheets (how cute are these mini frilly ones!)
1 fresh tomato
200 grams of cheese (for my Australian readers: Nimbin Natural is our cheese of choice)

1. Combine spinach and feta
2. Cook mince with tomato paste & sauce (and a little water so it doesn't dry out)
3. Start layering: lasagna sheets / spinach / mince & repeat
4. I like to add some fresh tomato on the final layer
5. Smoother with grated cheese (or don't. You can see in my photos than a quarter of my lasagne was left cheese-free, not counting the sheep's feta, because it doesn't suit L).
6. Wrap in tin foil. Bake at 200 C for about half an hour before removing foil and then keep cooking until layers are soft and top is brown.
7. That's it :) Eat. Yum.

What are your favourite weeknight meals? A. x

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