Saturday, July 24, 2010


A monk from The Gyoto Monks of Tibet displays calm focus on the task of creating a sand mandala in celebration of The Dalai Lama's 75th birthday at The Crystal Castle, Mullumbimby. July 2010.

Isn't it funny - we spent our bn (before-now) lives impressing ourselves with our ability to multi-task & suddenly the simple idea of being able 2 *single task* is completely lust-worthy.

I was just reading this article from the Zen Habits blog & really feel an affinity with it. While I am loving & embracing our new social media reality I also acknowledge how flighty & unfocused it makes me feel at times.

It used 2 be a case of hanging out waiting 4 the postman 2 come or maybe the old-skool landline phone to ring* to add some sparkle into our day - particularly if we full-time parent or work from home - but now there is entertainment, intellectual stimulation & fleeting or heart-felt connection available 24/7.

What are we losing in the gaps...? & how are we going 2 ensure that we don't completely sacrifice the delicate art of focussed concentration in a world that only promises 2 get big, bigger & big-gig-ier by the minute?

I would love 2 hear your thoughts :) x

* = does anyone actually still use theirs??

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