Today I learnt how bad I am at editing down a shoot when I love so many of the photos!
But ahhhh... some times you just have to go with your gut. So here is PART 1 of the lifestyle / baby-loving / family / general cutesville shoot I did in Byron of lovely Atlas and Everest - and their Mama - last week days before they flew back to Bali { yes I am breaking up the images into multiple posts in an attempt not to overwhelm you all! Lol. Let me know if that works out }. Scrummy baby deliciousness. Can you tell I miss my own two baby nephews?!
So, here are they are. The sleeping babes. Guess what happens in part two... ;)

+ I Only Have Eyes For You. The sneak-peak ;)
+ Beautiful Byron Bay - Bali Breastfeeding Buddha Babes : Atlas & Everest | Part 2
p.s. I have a new facebook like button at the bottom of each post!
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Merci beaucoup! xx