Friday, July 19, 2013

Rabbits and Wombats and Emus Oh My!

The boys and I were lucky special guests at the best birthday party held anywhere on earth today :) Sometimes the best parties are the unexpected and simple ones. 

In honour of this beautiful girl. Miss Eight of Mansted Family Project fame.

First stop was the rabbit petting.
These bunnies were the cutest.

Meet the not-very "Scruffy".
Did I mention cute?!

L was so in sync with his pointy-eared friend that his hair magically stood on end ;)
It couldn't possibly be that he forgot to brush it.

On to the chicks (also very popular)...

We even found some love birds!

By the way, have you read any of the Wildwood Chronicles? I had an official confirmation of their greatness from Miss 9 (going on 19) today so I am going to check them out.

Next up we got to meet this awesome guy: Diesel the Wombat.

So funny.

Their impromptu Emu impersonations inspired a request for group photos but I refused to take a photo of an actual Emu. #emusarecreepy.

We asked for some sad faces too. Lol. Dramatics much? ;) I think we have a few budding thespians in this bunch.

I did say that this was the best party didn't I?
Well, then obviously I took more photos! - can' Part two is on its way! x

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