Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Diary Days: The Younger Years

I came across some old diaries while I was packing last week.
This one was my favourite.

It was my day-by-day game-planner. Circa 2009.

Actually I am pleasantly surprised by my own level of organization back then. Lol. Is that telling? But they are so sweet. Such sweet memories caught in those pages. 

So, I thought I would share them here. 
With some photos of the boys from the same year. 

Be still my swelling heart. 

Ahhhhh... I love these photos.

They make me both happy and sad. I do miss having little bubbas... These boys are SO big now! - except they're not. I think these photos make me feel grateful of days past and equally grateful for what we are now - and remind me that one day I'll look back on now and feel the same.

Do you ever plan out your days? A. x

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