Wednesday, July 9, 2014

JK Rowling Releases New Harry Potter Short Story!

Harry fans rejoice! 

JK Rowling has just released a new story that gives us the first updates on Harry Potter since she finished the last book in the infamous series seven years ago :)

Harry, now 33 (!!) is married - to "Ginny" - with two young boys of his own: James and Albus. Nawwwwww. Ron { of the Weasley Wizard Wheezes joke emporium } is still with Hermoine, and they have a son Hugo and a daughter Rose together. Even Neville Longbottom gets a look in; he's now a teacher at Hogwarts!

Released on her Pottermore website, and written in the voice of Quidditch World Cup gossip columnist 'Rita Skeeter,' this is a small glimpse into the 'current' World of Wizarding. But the BIG question is asked:

"Is the Chosen One embroiled in fresh mysteries that will one day explode upon us all, plunging us into a new age of terror and mayhem?"

Oooooooh! Exciting. JK Rowling had previously stated that she was leaving Harry behind her but maybe, just maybe; she's had a change of heart?! ;)

Let's hope that's true. I certainly have two rabid HP fans here. Oh and that makes me think that I should probably put a post together from our day at "The Making of Harry Potter" Warner Brother studio tour in London shouldn't I! #abouttime

Who would like to see our behind-the-scenes Harry Potter photos?!
Amber. XO

p.s. Read the full short story at Pottermore { or follow this link if you don't have a Pottermore account } and leave me a comment here on the blog or on my facebook or twitter to tell me what you think :)

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