Tuesday, January 14, 2014

13/365 Casa dei Bambini 2014

One of my personal dreams came true today... 

I found myself standing in the very room where Maria Montessori started her first Casa dei Bambini, or Montessori Children's House, here in the ghetto of San Lorenzo, Rome, 107 years ago. 

It was something I had daydreamed about, wished for, but something I felt rather certain wouldn't actually happen. But it did... it really DID! 

Ha! So seriously cool :))

I was even able to take some photos - yes, more than just this buzzer ;) - but I was nervous and trying to be respectful as it is still a working Montessori classroom. We leave Rome in the morning and have a lot of travelling ahead of us so I will post them with more of an explanation when I have the time to gather my thoughts.

But I had to share now. Blessed!

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