Friday, April 5, 2013

Kids, Art and Technology.

Last night after dinner, when he should have been getting ready for bed, Lovely asked:

"Dad, can I show you a painting by Caravaggio on your phone?"

That's kind of hard to say no to isn't it.

We had been learning about Caravaggio earlier in the day. In a not-very-Charlotte-Mason manner we are currently reading about a different artist each week in advance of our trip to Europe. The Usborne book of Famous Artists is our fun and not-too-weighty tome and the Art Authority app ($9) is our digital gallery.

He was looking for a particular painting called The Cardsharps. I think he likes the idea of the art of treachery more than anything ;) and that's cool... We all need to find our own connections to art.

While L looked through Caravaggio artworks in Google Images the conversation shifted to one of Hug's current school books, The Illustrated Age of Fable. We had a suspicion it might feature a few Caravaggios!

We quickly found Medusa.

It's always exciting when things converge!

Anyways, enough about us and our current art fetishes. 

I thought I might share some links:
Where Art and Technology meet. You just never know who you might find there...

Smart History from Khan Academy
+  Art Authority app
Exploring Art with Art Authority in iBooks
Art Alert
Google Art Project
+  and a link to more art related resources.

BTW, there is an educational version of Art Authority but we have the full version. Personally, I think it's perfectly acceptable for children to view (non-explicit) nudity through the lens of the great artists. Especially as they will be seeing a lot of these artworks for reals in the near future.

Do you have any great art resources to share? Add them in the comments! x


  1. Thanks for these ideas and resources! I am still looking for a method or artist that captures my oldest son's imagination.

  2. Yes, what great resources! Thank you!

  3. Thank you Anne and Kristy!

    Hopefully one of these links might hold the key for your son Kristy :). xx

    p.s. I forgot to mention that we check out the art history videos at Khan Academy too.
