Sunday, April 7, 2013

City Explorers

We were city explorers last weekend.
That's code for we're country livin' folk right. Usually ;)

But with 6 months of mostly-city-life ahead of us we needed some urban exposure.

So we wandered.
Wide eyed. On a quiet night.
And it was beautiful.

My #top2 cities used to be NYC and Barcelona, okay make it 3 and add Paris into that mix, but it's been a while between urban jaunts. I wonder what I'll think this time next year?! #exciting :)

What is your favourite city? 


  1. ahhh the story bridge you are making me homesick for city living too. SPent many years living in and around Brisbane even a year or 2 in the units RIGHT under the S Bridge. Great view. Used to walk all through New Farm and K P Cliffs and over to South bank and through the city and back to New Farm or East Brisbane. Such a pretty city at night.

  2. Hi Michele!
    Yes, we love Brisbane too. Especially all of the great bike tracks, the galleries and public spaces. What fun you must have had living right under the bridge! We've stayed in a hotel just there a few times and it's so exciting to look straight out to that view :))x
