Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Imagination Foundation and Caine's Arcade

Hug wanted to watch Caine's Arcade over lunch today.

So we did. And discovered there is Part Two!... the response to Caine's Arcade.  I still choke up watching the first film. This is a lovely follow up featuring Caine and some of the kids around the world he has inspired. My kids certainly have been!

So, I was very excited to see the magic of this story continue with the launch of the Imagination Foundation. 

The Imagination Foundation's mission is to 
find, foster, and fund 
creativity and entrepreneurship 
in kids. 

Rocking core goals:

1. Instill Creative Thinking as a Core Skill and Social Value
2. Give Kids Opportunities to Create and Learn Based on their Passions 
3. Foster a Community of Creative Makers
4. Introduce Social Entrepreneurship at a Young Age
5. Use Storytelling to Celebrate Exceptional Kids and Inspire Communities

Watch Caine's Arcade. Part One:

And, Part Two:

Want to find out more about the Imagination Foundation? You can also like The Imagination Foundation on FB or follow @imagination on Twitter. 
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