Monday, August 17, 2009


Our newly thrifted Van Gogh print has found it's home down low in the cosy book corner :)


  1. Yes!! she's so right!! It's beautiful!! I will love to see all the space!!! and I just want to let you know that I JUST LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! Thanks,


  2. I just showed Munchkin that picture (having been caught sneaking online while she was busy!!) and she said 'ooh, mummy, can I go to THAT house' ... clearly a winner even from 100000kms away

  3. Thanks for the kind words everyone - I think it looks sweet too :)

    Gypsy - you know we aren't that far apart! It's more like 2,000 km :)

  4. Yeah, 2000kms just around the corner!!! Hey - I won't be offended if you say no - but I would love to use this photo of your book corner for an upcoming post I am writing on storytelling (part of my Waldorf/Playcentre/Monti comparison stuff). I love the way this photo makes it looks so cosy and inviting. Would that be cool? I would, of course, credit it and link to your blog. You can email me if you prefer rather than replying in comments - nzteaparty at gmail dot com
