Sunday, July 19, 2009


Inspired by their friends across the park (who took around a washing basket full of mandarins house-to-house a few weeks ago) the boys insisted on delivering some of the excess lemons from our tree to the neighbours this morning. It was about 9am / Sunday but they were *insistent*! So who was I to argue? Plus, we'd been awake in our house for 3 and a half hours already. Off we went & got to see lots of the neighbours still in their p.j's ;) Too funny.

But, everyone was so lovely. Even with people in their pyjamas we got invited in to a few homes to play with babies & see recent renovations. And, apparently, our lemons will now be: juiced / making marmalade / being served with fresh fish caught just this morning / inspiring a Lemon Meringue Pie & being added to some Coronas! What great Sunday fun.
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