Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The organic licorice factory

When we went to visit some friends after Hug's birthday (yup, I'm still stuck in a backlog of photos :) we had the fabulous opportunity to visit the Southern Hemisphere's only organic licorice factory

Housed in this old Flour Mill. I'm so loving the building.

Glorious & what amazing weather!

We ate yummy food in the cafe, listened to awesome live music, bonded with old-friends much missed and got to see inside the factory too! They also make organic chocolate nuts and things like that and that's what is happening here in these beautiful brass bowls.

We also got to try our hand at *vertical licorice bowling* but I didn't get any good photo's and it's hard to describe what it was... but it did involve throwing a huge wad of licorice up into a shute and hoping to knock down bowling pins on its way down. T and Hug were crowned the 'Vertical Licorice Bowling Champions' of the day & won a bag of licorice - I can't say that's an award they're likely to win too many times in their lives :)

I loved that my boys decided they liked licorice & we got to taste some organic Spelt licorice which we all loved & have been delighted to find we can buy it closer to home too. It's a real treat around here now after this fun day!
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