Saturday, November 1, 2008

Skeletons + Witches + Bats + Glittery Stars

Here are some of our other Halloween crafts (my last post on the subject, I swear ;)

The cutest little skeletons thanks to Sewing Stars and one of Hug's drawings. They both did some really lovely work on dark paper with the beautiful pastel pencils I found stored away in my art things in our shed.

A witch on a broomstick, cardboard cutout using contrasting colours

A bat! I *love* this. I helped Hug make a bat by tracing his hands on the black cardboard and then cutting them out and stapling the two hands together. I went off to do some chores and when I came back he had made this one for Lovely, tracing his little bro's chubby little hands and cutting, stapling and hole-punching it all himself. Ahh, brotherly (Halloween) love :)

We made two batches of all-spice, orange, glitter playdough (the boys did all their own mixing & I just did the stove-top part) and made about a million star and moon 'cookies'.  Yum ;)
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