Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Living a simple life :)

On the back of my last post I wanted to list a few of the things that we're actively doing here in our house at the moment. We're basically working under the banner of 'simplifying' and this is T's  'Simplicity Now List' (of things we've done in the last week) that he jotted down tonight:

+ Email program off laptop (so that he can focus on his writing)
+ Half of the shed purged and simplified 
   (We threw out + gave away a LOT of things we had just cluttering up our space)
+ Signed up for VOIP to cut our phone expenses
+ Lowered our broadband plan
+ Prioritised buying organic, fresh foods
+ Googled "Frugal Vegetarian Organic Healthy food"! There are some amazing resources out there! Today I discovered a whole hew world of blogs dedicated to frugal eating and living.
+ Committed to shopping at the local Farmers Markets (we are lucky to have a great one) and just do the supermarket shop once a month rather than weekly (wish me luck with this!)

Are you making any changes towards a simpler life? What are you doing? I'd love to hear.

{ image: Stained glass at the National Library}
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