Sunday, July 20, 2008


Sunday night. My sweet boys are asleep. The neighbours dog is barking in the breeze. My lovely man is tapping away at his work at the kitchen table. I'm trying to have a little *me* time on the computer when really I should go and finish tidying the kitchen and pack the boys lunchs for tomorrow is double preschool day. 

And then I read this post (entitled "I was a better mum before the internet") on In the Heart of my Home. I do love Elizabeth's blog. It soothes my soul. It's like a warm cup of  something delicious when you need a bit of nurturing. 

Hmmmm.... such food for thought. I'm writing this and have been posting for the last week or so kinda like I have an 'audience' when I'm actually not public at the moment - I just imagine that I *will go public again one day (hopefully sooner than later). But what a funny thing to do!

We enjoyed a lovely day with friends on Saturday in the hills and this discussion came up. I had realised just this week that I hadn't been returning or making any phone calls... for ages! And then come to the realisation that it's because if I find a little pocket of time I now go to the computer and not only check my email but I check my rss feeds too :) My friend shared her similar realisations. What to do? The world is this amazing place right now & it is such a thrill to be able to find people who you admire and find inspiring and interesting... your own little niche :) But, it also takes time away from our families and/or ourselves. 

I know it's all about balance, but balancing ourselves isn't always so easy.  Sweet dreams.

{artwork by Lovely Little-one}
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