Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Peace in ME

Today: Playgroup for L & me / Preesk until 1 for Hug & then D + Daria at our house for a Montessori meeting. T working from home until 4 when he head out to the 'Kids in Community' awards in Lismore where he's presenting some awards & speaking.
Exciting news - his book arrived yesterday!!! A proof-copy arrived in the post yesterday afternoon, I can hardly believe it it's so cool!
I also finished my latest read-through of 'PIM' last night in bed. Man, I think that is such a fantastic book - revolutionary! as I told them. I'm so impressed, it's just brilliant & I really think it's going to do well.

Montessori: Hmmmmm... At the end of the meeting I was left thinking: WE ARE NOT TRYING TO REINVENT THE WHEEL HERE! :)  I guess it seemed kinda tinpot & tricky. It was a bit much, & reallllllly... I just kinda thought "We're not ready for this". We aren't the people to do this. I do appreciate what D said last week about wanting to know that she gave it a good try... & I'm certainly not giving up!

But, sometimes I do entertain the thought (actually, I entertain a lot of random thoughts for too often ;) of loosening myself from the *self-imposed* reigns of Montessori-ism... Just go with the flow a bit more. Spend my energy on growing up my family and *myself* strong + happy + healthy... and take one of the school opportunities that we have & enjoy that. Don't re-invent the wheel! 

I know that I love M + I do hope that there is a time that the boys get to enjoy a M education and I don't want to rule out the possibility of moving elsewhere where we will have M options... 

I guess I feel more than a little overwhelmed!

And, I think I want to enrich Hug's "schooling" with some Steiner creativity. I think he's really like that. And I would too... I love the rainbow coloured card & the felt & the embroidery. It really resonates with me. God, I'm confused & confusing ;) LOL but it's just the truth.

Anyway. Something EXCITING! Hug is becoming really good with his writing + phonetic spelling. Wow! This afternoon he wrote Zac and then his own name of his own accord, and then wanted to write lots more names (which we worked through phonetically). He stills need to have help with the shaping of some of his letters, but it's really starting to fall into place. Very cool. Especially watching him doing it in this *unschooling* kinda way this afternoon - just doing it 'cos he wanted to. He wrote each name & cut it out & drew love hearts & stuck each one on the kitchen cupboard doors. This morning he was drawing in his special blue book & wrote down & then spelt out/said "Sux" all by himself. Too funny - I don't think he'd even ever heard the word before!
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