Friday, August 8, 2014

The Good { Rainbow } Brew : Probiotic Water Kefir

I love our local artisan food producers! 

This area abounds with a lot of dynamic, wholesome energy. And, if you follow me on instagram you might have seen a sneak-peak of this beautiful water kefir from The Good Brew yesterday!

The Good Brew is a little probiotic micro-brewery based here in Bangalow. In fact, it’s being brewed on-site in one of fave go-to coffee places: Utopia Cafe. Yay!

Ty gave me a bottle to try { he knows I try to balance my coffee-love with other more beneficial vices! } and I couldn’t help but photograph it before I opened it :) Yes I’m a sucker for pretty things. True.

Don’t know the inside facts on kefir? 
Let's Let our Good Brew bottle do the talking:
“Our water kefir is an all natural, alive and refreshing fermented probiotic super drink that’s raw, vegan and gluten-free. It’s full of friendly bacteria and beneficial yeast, on top of that it’s loaded with valuable enzymes, pre-digested nutrients, vitamins and minerals. All kick-starting your digestion and boosting your immune system.”

Drink up!
Have you tried coconut, milk or water kefir? I'd love to hear about it. 

Amber. XO


  1. Sounds DIVINE. I'm on a mission to make kefir and kombucha in the next few weeks. Wish me luck ;)... {How lucky are you, I LOVE Bangalow, plus you have easy access to Byron Superkraut, non?} xx

    1. Hi Kris,

      Do you mean the 'Peace, Love, Vegetables' sauerkraut? Do you know that they do a coconut kefir now? It's pretty special. We tried it at that detox I attended.

      Yes, Bangalow is a fun place to live. Love it.

      I did a fermentation workshop in Mullumbimby a year ago or so; we learnt how to make sauerkraut and kimchi and sourdough pancakes and kefir and kombucha... and I attempted some things at home over the following weeks - but then I got a bit freaked out & stopped. Lol. I wish you more success than I had!!!

      p.s. My husband is home tonight { yay! } and I just served the kefir in Champagen glasses and he loved it! #happy :)

      Amber. x
