Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Creative Business Women's High Tea

Sunday morning was a super-sweet one. 

Not only because I woke up next to my cute husband in a hushed house { okay, in theory that should have been perfect - thank you Nanni and Poppa! - but it is actually weird to not be woken by my tangle of two. Weird AND sweet all at the same time... in a wow-we-actually-went-on-a-date-like-real-humans / who-are-we?!  kind of way ;) If you’re a parent you get me. I know. } but also because I had plans to make the tea-and-cake-loving girl in me smile: high tea!

But not just any ol’ pretty high tea. Breathe. This was a Creative Business Women’s High Tea - eeeek! - part of my new being-brave itinerary :)

Brought to life by Zanni Louise from My Little Sunshine House and Janine Emerson from Love In A Cake the North Coast Creative Women’s High Tea was designed to be part community-building, part inspiration, part cake-eat-fest, part fundraising :) All proceeds going to Rafiki Mwema { I can’t even begin to explain how important this charity is - please follow the link to learn more and help if you possibly can }.

On the morning's agenda:

+ Starting a creative business from scratch
Working for yourself
+ Finding the balance between family, creativity and business
+ Developing your online community and public profile and maintaining your creative identity
+ Food writing and photography
+ Being your own authentic self
+ Theatre and education 
+ Integrating charity and business

Okay! I'm a creative! I work for myself! And I obviously eat cake!! ;) I am also looking to expand my community: online and in-person. All.good.things.

Obviously I took photos. I'll add a few notes to introduce you to everyone { my apologies to anyone I missed! } but mostly I'll let the images do the talking. So here we go!

Ellie Beck from petalplum and Juniper from The Unexpected Guest { remember their Freestyle Granüesli? Yum }. 

Tea from the Byron Bay T Company was served in the best array of teacosied teapots and mix and match vintage tea-sets. Be still my beating heart! I heart me some pretty.

Cara from Modern Love Ceremonies.

Did I mention CAKE

Time to move outside where each seat was dressed with a Rafiki Mwema fabric bag.

Beverly { my new bracelet-sister }.

Janine and Zanni leading events!

Christie Connelly from Fig & Cherry.

I hadn't read Christie's blog before listening to her speak - but I was drawn to her instantly - and am already compiling my shopping list to make her Nourishing Overnight Oats for breakfast this week! Consider me signed up.

Christie talked food-blogging - her speciality - but she also introduced us to the idea of the One Minute Meditation { take one minute to completely clear your mind at the end of each shower } which I loved and will totally be trying { and possibly actually achieving. Realistic goals people!! }.

Sarah Rosborg from Castle Design and Rafiki Mwema

Sarah brought tears to our eyes with her emotional story. Following a horrific near-death experience she threw herself into charity work, as a way to deal with her own pain. Along the way, she taught herself graphic design and coding and a new career emerged. Today, her company, Castle Design, covers the admin costs of Rafiki Mwema - the charity and sponsorship program Sarah recently set up to raise money for a girls home in Kenya that cares for young victims of sexual assault. 

I can't even begin to imagine the depth of the trauma that Sarah has faced but I know we were all moved by her spirit. What an amazing human being doing important good work you are Sarah!

 Sahar from Organic Miracles. Loving her white crochet dress. 

Chantelle Ellem from Fat Mum Slim.

I was really looking forward to seeing Chantelle speak. I've been following her blog and the #fmsphotoaday challenge for the past few years - and was pleasantly surprised when I discovered she lived in the area!

Not only is she one of Australia's best-known Mama-bloggers she's also currently #1 in the Australian App Store. Her Little Moments photo app, only released on 5pm last Friday instantly jumped to the top of the charts both here - and in America { Little Moments was #9 in the US App Store on Sunday! Serious amazeballs } - credentials much?! 

Chantelle was gorgeous and approachable and when I asked to take her photo -  insisted that we get a photo together first. Hahaha okay! Thanks to Emily from Have A Laugh On Me for doing the honours :)

Zanni Louise from My Little Sunshine House

Zanni has such beautiful energy. She chaired the panel with an easy grace and a calm beyond her years. She's a mama, blogger and writer { her first book for children is due out next year } AND she was co-creator of the event - it was a real pleasure to meet you Zanni! 

And, finally, hair-goddess Janine from Love In A Cake.  

The other half of the team behind the high tea, Janine not only helped bring us all together but she fed us all too! Oh - and then sent us home with killer chocolate truffles. I kid you not. I blogged about them earlier today :)

I'm so pleased I took the deep breath to sign myself up and come along. I left with a happy-heart, feeling excited about the journey and the possibilities ahead of me. 

Building community is so important. For everybody. But I think it's especially important for mothers and creatives and MOST especially creative mothers who work from home! Us! I love that I made new connections and hopefully started some new friendships. 

Have you found your creative tribe? How do you find meaningful connection? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Amber. XO


  1. Lovely photos! I definitely didn't eat enough cake :)

    1. Victoria - you know what - neither did i! I did eat that cupcake though ;) #yum. XO
