Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gratitude | Our Children's Health

My boys are both sick.

Which is really unusual. They are a pretty robust lot, aside from a few gut health issues, so I'm finding this sickness business rather confronting.

Midnight and 4am hospital visits? Not on our usual schedule.

And not fun. Obviously. 
But, at the same time, there is nothing like mild sickness to bring great gratitude for the health that your children generally enjoy and that you realise you take for granted. 

Today I feel humbled. And grateful.

Grateful to have two strong boys who usually fly through the house full of energy & bounce off the walls and each other. Strong-wills and strong-emotions and strong-bodies. Who challenge my mind and my heart and my sanity (at times ;) but who have the world at their feet and their good health to take them on the journey. 

And I'm grateful for a public medical system where I can take my children to the emergency department in the middle of the night, see a doctor immediately and know that I won't be receiving a huge bill at the end of the visit. 

I'm grateful for my family and friends who have gone out of the way to be there for us at odd hours and with odd request and who have extended their love.

I feel grateful for my husband and the life we have created together. The family we have built. 

I am lucky. My boys will be okay. They both have a virus but it's playing out a bit differently for each of them so they have conflicting issues but hopefully we're through the worst of it.

Being a mama is amazing.heartbreaking.hilarious.hard.beautiful.exhausting and a million other adjectives that my sleep-deprived brain can't come up with right now. It is ever-changing. It is love in motion

To all of the mamas and papas and families who are struggling with their children's (or their own) health right now, in both big and small ways, I send you love, strength and compassion. May we all find a moment to stop and feel gratitude for the small blessings, honour ourselves, and then share our love with those who need it. A. x


  1. Hope his better soon can be hard and very emotional when.your children get illl as I know with.my eldest when he got food poisoning on holiday which cause his kidneys to shut down. He had gone from a very happy healthy boy to a very dangerously ill boy and now at 7 has chronic kidney disease and hyper tension :(
    Hope your boys are back to their happy healthy selves very soon xxxx

  2. Oh that's lovely to be so grateful in the midst of it all. My boys are similarly energetic but one is home sick with me today. I told him I'm happy to be at home taking care of him and I really am. I'm grateful that I have my boys despite the bugs. Oh yes I'm so grateful for our public health system in New Zealand too. It rocks.

  3. @meg

    Hi Meg, is your son better now? My boys are soooooo much better today albeit with some sniffles. Unfortunately I went down after them! Boo. Project healing now. xx

  4. @Emma Elliott

    Emma, I'm so sorry to hear that your son has ongoing health problems from your travels :( that is a huge concern for me. Crossing my fingers and toes that we can all stay healthy. Lots of love, Amber. xxx
