Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hanging out in Brisbane

We've been up to Brisbane a few times in the past month. 

I like it. Having not been in a while, we spent our first visit hanging at Southbank doing all the cool cultural stuff ( I love me some GOMA and State Library) but this time we ventured over into the city. I was on the hunt for a new camera.

But, a few camera stores down I'm still undecided. Anyone want to suggest a compact?

The boys (packed up with snacks) did great waiting for me while I talked camera nerd so we celebrated with a trip to Starbucks. Okay, it was 11 and I hadn't had coffee. And that.

This is a large. Sorry, a grande. They have a coffee bigger than a grande - a Venti - I love coffee but that is a seriously huge drink. 20 oz. How many shots in a 20 oz coffee?! I'm not that brave.

The kids had some frozen fruit concoction.

Thirsts-quenched we stumbled up into Queen Street mall & into a magic show.

The boys, considering themselves rather good at magic, thought this guy was a genius. How did he get that coconut in his hat...?

Georgia at Documenting Delight had mentioned good sushi in Brisbane CBD on her facebook page recently so I asked around and we found it just around the corner from where we were. Hooray! & Y-U-M. Thanks Georgia! A new favourite.

(If you don't already follow Documenting Delight you should 'cos she is pretty amazing and has the cutest kids).

Not that these ones are bad! ;)
Hug working some chair poses over lunch.

Tomorrow I'll post some photos from the CYA (Children's and Young Adult Writer's and Illustrators) Conference we attended the following day. I even got to attend a workshop on Social Media hosted by American author Jackson Pearce  all.by.myself  which was a treat!