Saturday, May 4, 2013

Kids Who Want to Learn about Chemistry (with Video and iPad Links)

This year we are learning about Chemistry.
Ahhh, yes, all of us. Not just the kids. My own education wasn't strong in the sciences so there is lots of cool stuff for me to learn about also.

On Monday we will be attending a workshop hosted by Nathalie of Science for Home Educators entitled Elements, Atoms and Molecules. We have completed the CSIRO Scyance Chemistry kit but it didn't touch on the Periodic Table or the Elements. I want to get them up to scratch before the class so I've googled-together a collection of relevant links and thought I'd share them in case they're helpful to you too!

Video Links:

1. Daniel Radcliff sings "The Elements" on The Graham Norton Show (UK).

2. "Meet the Elements" by They Might Be Giants.

3. NOVA: Hunting the Elements (PBS) this link is viewable outside of the USA, unlike the listing on the actual NOVA site and in the associated app.

4. A CrashCourse in Chemistry (YouTube)

5. The Periodic Table of Videos (University of Nottingham, UK).

The plan is as follows... Suck them in with Daniel Radcliff, both being big Harry Potter enthusiasts. Then sprinkle on the cute/cool of the TMBG video. And then dive in deep with the NOVA doco (which looks pretty enthralling). The Crash Course and Periodic Table videos will be a great follow up if they want to learn more.

iPad Links:

If you're interested here is a list of the Top iPad Apps to Teach Kids about the Periodic Table. I have downloaded the NOVA and PhysicalSci ones. Ideally I would get the Theodore Gray one (The Elements: A Visual Exploration) but my iPad's brain is too small *insert sulking emoji*. I have seen the book and it's awesome and is definitely on my wishlist. Brainpop also have a section on Matter and Chemistry (we're not Brainpop subscribers but I'm thinking about trying a month-by-month subscription).

Do you have any great Chemistry links to add? Please add a comment!

p.s. Photo-credit: What's in an ink?


  1. Hi Amber,
    I've been enjoying your blog very much from afar (Wisconsin). We too pull a little from CM, Waldorf, Montessori... but I'm having trouble finding other relevant and inspiring blogs. Would you consider doing a post with your favorite blogs or resources? There must be many of us out there blogging (I don't blog...yet). I'd love to hear how you get inspired or what blogs you follow!

  2. Wow, chirping crickets!

    We're going to do chemistry this year, too! For videos, I'm looking at an NBC series called Chemistry Now, and found an article on 50 Awesome Chemistry Videos for the Busy Science Teacher. I also have been looking up why the Mentoes/diet soda thing works, as I have been requested to "blow things up". Also, I found an interesting-sounding grown-up book called "The Disappearing Spoon" about the role of each of the elements in history, a Cartoon Guide to Chemistry (not sure of the level on that one), and a Horrible Science book called "Chemical Chaos".

    Have fun!!

    Kim, who is too lazy to figure out how to sign in

    1. Hi Kim!
      Great resources. Thanks for sharing - I'll look them up! Amber. xx
