Saturday, May 7, 2011

A simple to way to keep track of our water glasses

If your house is anything like ours - you end up with a completely ridiculous amount of used glasses at the end of the day. 

And a lot of the time it's my fault ~ I don't know who's glass it is so i put in the dishwasher & then said glass's owner returns to their now-vanished glass so... 


So, our new system is going to be using some of the many silly-bands that are around the house (of course rubber bands in different colours would do the job just as well) as markers.

This is mama's water glass people! 


  1. Hi from Twitter. This is a great idea - use up all the dang silly bands and put 'em to good use...then your glass will always be half-full, right? (-:

  2. My house is the same way ; ) Thanks for the great idea.

  3. Genius. We have the same problem. Problem solved!
