Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Books I actually *have* read!

When posting about the books that I want to read I forgot to mention the wonderful book that I actually am reading! It's called Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mothers in a Hurry & despite the title it isn't overtly religious. In fact, I happened upon my copy at a yard sale & didn't realise until I started reading it that it is a Waldorf Steiner influenced book. Anyway, it's beautiful, really honest & personal, & I've been moved to tears on more than one occasion. I've earmarked so many pages so that I can return to the wisdom of Katrina Kenison's words when I need them.

While on the topic of Waldorf-inspired books I will also mention a book that I read last year that I've been thinking about a lot after Meg from Sew Liberated posted about it recently in a post entitled Waldorf & Montessori. It's called Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children. I had borrowed it from a friend & incorporated many of its gentle ideas into our daily lives. It's one of those books that although I've already read it I've often thought that I want to buy a copy to have on my own shelf!

The last book I'll mention is called Beyond the Rainbow Bridge: Nurturing our children from birth to seven. It's a Waldorf book that I bought last year in preparation for Hug starting school. Again it's full of gentle inspiration.


  1. I also just picked up Mitten Strings at the thrift store. I too was surprised that it was more of a gentle, Steiner influenced book about mothering than about God, but I really enjoyed the book. I have Beyond the Rainbow Bridge and You Are Your Child's First Teacher.


  2. Heaven on Earth is waiting for me at the library to pick up tomorrow, can't wait! (Maybe I should plonk the toddler in front of the TV to read it - LOL!!!) I love Beyond the Rainbow Bridge, but one of my favorites is Kindergarten Education by Betty Peck. Its not specifically stated as a Steiner book but its very very very Steiner, and Betty Peck is Steiner trained.
