Thursday, July 30, 2009

Montessori work cycle: Thursday July 30th


  1. Did you make your own red rods?

  2. Ha-ha! Is it *that* obvious?!! ;)

    Yes, I did make my own rods - & this was actually their first presentation! Lovely found them really easy to sort in length so we quickly moved onto some further exercises.

    You can see my post about making them here:

    btw - Your new blog looks great!

  3. Bananas in Pajamas! My son had a pair of Banana in Pajama high tops when he was a little boy. He loved those shoes! It looks like you have been really busy! School doesn't start back for me until mid-August, but I am already getting antsy to get back to the classroom. It is exciting to meet all the new children and to see how big the returning students have gotten over the summer!

  4. Hi Patty Ann :)

    You've a keen eye! Yes, that's a Banana's in Pyjamas opposites game. We don't usually have 'character' games & toys but sometimes something comes up in the thrift store & it's hard to say no to an Opposites puzzle for one dollar!

    I look forward to your back-to-school posts :)

  5. Amber,
    Just wondering if you still LOVE the NCM guides. I still can not decide whether or not to purchase them. I would love your opinion. You can e-mail me at
    Thanks so much!
    I still love your blog!!!!

  6. The red rods look fun. I may have to make some. And your tower is lovely.
    I just gave you an award, here:
    Please feel don't feel obligated.
