Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Puppet Shows

I know I've been posting more Montessori / learning activities recently so I thought I'd balance it out with these gorgeous pix I took at the kitchen table yesterday. "Puppet Shows" as they like to call them are a very popular pastime in our house.

Yesterday, after our Soil experiment & reading some books from our Plants themed basket & a few activities from the Montessori cupboard I was having trouble keeping focused on 'homeschool' work so decided to let go & let them do their shows...

I sat nearby (yup, read: on the computer ;) & quietly listened to what was going on. They might be rough & tumble boys at times but these puppet shows were all about the earth & the animals & then rainbows coming out. It was just lovely. Happy mama :)


  1. Very sweet. My kids love playing with animals too.

  2. I love your animals!!! I couldn't believe it when I checked your blog, you've been doing so much lately! We use the rhyming basket in school and the children love it. BTW there is a Moveable alphabet activity where you build a rhyme like ump/at/ing and get hug to place the other letters in front to see what words he can make. Children love it because you can make loads nonsense words. Thanks for sharing so much and getting me in the mood for doing a project with Little-N.

  3. Hi Sarah. Hi N,
    I've been a little blogging crazy lately - just trying to catch up!

    I like the rhyming game with the MA. We'll try that!

  4. I love this puppet show! Sometimes when we let go, this is exactly what we need to do. After all, Montessori is all about following the child. It's easy to forget this main purpose..:)
    By the way, where did you get these beautiful animals?
