Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day :)

I had a lovely morning - starting with the universally accepted tradition of a cup of tea in bed (!) which was later followed by pancakes :) 

My pressies included a beautiful felted bookmark from Hug.

As well as a felted butterfly (gorgeous, huh?!)

And a sweet woolen flower brooch from Lovely. These were all gifts were things they made at school / preschool :)

Lovely's card.

I was inspired by this blog & made some simple handprint silhouettes for the grandmothers. I've blurred the boys names on this shot but they are hand-written beneath each hand.

And, finally (oh, except for the hour long massage T had booked me in for!! What a lovely man :) here are the messages from my boys, as transcribed by their papa...

Happy Mothers Day!

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