Monday, May 18, 2009

Me and my pirates

There's been a mutiny! Yesterday was *one of those* days...
Was it... ?

+ Lovely awake at 5.15 am & at 8.30 I still hadn't started any chores or - and this is the kicker *lol * had a cup of tea!! 

+ trying to inspire card making/gift wrapping for their cousins birthday but I lost them to a mess of games while *I* was up to my elbows in wrapping paper & card making supplies. 

+ The music bands / puppet-shows / ice-cream-shops / billy-cart derby's / painting areas & more set-up by them in the lounge-room. 

+ The entire jar of rolled oats that was accidentally spilled on the floor at breakfast.

+ The pouring rain - all day - that I finally gave into which ended up with the creation of a lot of  mud pies with the aftermath spread through the house.

+ Lovely having a nap on my bed & accidentally wetting it. Hmmm...

I was cross & cranky. They were bickering. There were tears - mine. Yurk, what a day. Did I mention that T is away? 

After the crazy morning I took them into town to the posts office  & we went for morning tea at a cafe & things improved for a while until they decided to battle over pencils or something & I said it was time to go home & have our rest times.  While Lovely had a sleep & while Hug played in his room (with every-single-item-in-there I noticed) I lay *under* a blanket in a "cocoon" on the couch. 

Eventually rest-time was over & I decided to just release to the fact that it was a crazy day - that nothing was going to get done & that I had to stop fighting it. 

Hug came out & prepared some lunch while I stayed in my cocoon (!) & I must say that I was rather curious to see what he was up to. It was: A paper plate with a slice of bread lying on a bed of rolled oats (again! you can't imagine how many oats were swept off this floor! At least Lovely has been a willing helper :) with 4 symmetrically positioned corn puffs. Each piece of bread had one wedge of tomato on it held in place by a paper-flag-bamboo-skewer that he had retrieved from the party supplies on the top shelf of the pantry!! Once I got authority to use some butter it was actually pretty yummy & the fact that my boys gobbled up the raw oats from their plates was very endearing :)

Phew! It's tiring even reading back over my own post. Isn't it funny that in the midst of the chaos (not helped in the slightest by the fact that I was a tired mama bear) you can be at your wits end but by bedtime when they're all tucked up it can seem sweet. Madness!

{NB: I didn't have any photo's (thankfully!) as T has the camera so I trawled through iphoto & found this snap from a party a few years back :}


  1. Sounds like quite a day! Glad you made it through in one piece!

  2. Amber, I am glad that I am not the only Mama out there who has days like that!
    BTW, I got your comment on my blog about the guides and I really appreciate you taking the time to reply in length! For some reason blogger won't let me publish it though...hmm, I may have to try again tomorrow. I think I will contact Gini and may purchase the guides. It sounds like it may save me hours of searching for ideas! (It sounds to me like you do an amazing job without having training. If you want to use it at home, I would not bother with the training, Especially now that you have the guides. And if you ever are not sure about something, you can always just ask someone with training...I would help if I could!)

  3. MM - LoL. I can't believe that my comment was too long to be published! Too funny :)

    I think emailing Gini is a great idea.

    Thanks so much for your lovely words... I have learnt *so* much over the past 2 and a half years - even without training - just reading books & blogs & doing a lot of web research. Now, I'm finally on the road to getting some actual M materials and the guides are a wonderful addition to our plans.

    Please let me know what you decide :)

  4. Thanks Theresa - I'm on my way to see what you guys are up to!

  5. Oh goodness.. I have so had days like that! {{{hugs}}}


    PS apparently I used to eat raw oat meal ALL the time. It was my favorite treat. :)

  6. You mean you sometimes DO do chores before 8:30??? Thats crazy. I cant even make myself unpack the dishwasher by then...and that must be the easiest one of them all!
