Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Absorbent Mind

I've joined the Montessori Book Club (brainchild of the mama-extraordinaire behind the blog Montessori at Home) & there's still time to join us in reading Maria Montessori's The Absorbent Mind. The details are here. Join us! 


  1. Hi Amber
    For some reason my requests to be added to the Absorbent Mind Reading Blog are not being received by Alisha. I have left a number of comments on her blog to let her know - but still nothing. Could you please let me in on this - I really want to read this book with others...

  2. Thanks for that. Im on the list, but cant make comments on that type of comment format for some reason. No idea why. Told 'Montessori at Home' so hopefully can start posting soon...once I find a copy of the book!

    Hey - have fun in Tokyo. We are going to Cairns soon for a holiday - not OS, but exciting to think of having a holiday none-the-less. Cant wait!
