Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I heart vacuuming ;)

Look what I turned around to while I was vacuuming this morning! The cord had magically twisted itself into a love-heart. Cute, huh?!


  1. That's funny!!! do you really heart vacuuming...I SO do not heart vacuuming :)

  2. Ahhhhh, do I reeeeeally heart vacuuming? No. But I do heart when it's done ;)

    In all honesty, I do *try* to enjoy it & had been reading Kim from Starry Sky Ranch's posts yesterday - about doing these tasks with an open heart. I like to believe that I'm "blessing my home" for myself & my family & therefore, which makes it easier to do joyfully.

    Note, I said 'easier' not easy! ;)
