Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter gifts | Chocolate easter bunnies

Our homeschool Monday cooking activity this week was making Chocolate Easter gifts!

I bought a half kilo block of organic milk chocolate & the boys both helped to cut it for melting (please note that this knife isn't actually as sharp as it looks in this photo! Just a butter knife :)

Double-boiler method

Pouring melted chocolate into a very cute Easter mould that I thrifted!


All wrapped up & ready to go! The boys cut out tags from my wet-on-wet painting I created last week (shall mention this again soon) & I think it's a lovely gift for their friends & our close family.


  1. That is AWESOME Amber! Great job! I bet the kids loved helping with that!


  2. Wow. That's so much cheaper than purchasing those expensive natural bunnies!
