Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lovely's creation :)

The things you find in the middle of the loungeroom sometimes. How could you argue against a love of order?!!


  1. Looks familiar! My grandson used to do this when he was about 2 or so. He lined up everything--cars, blocks, shoes, you name it. He was such a little Montessorian!

  2. Looks like someone has hit the sensitive period for order! This is such a cute picture!

  3. Just found your blog via another montessori site. It's just lovely. I love all the bright colors and look forward to reading through it.

  4. Oh, how lovely! My oldest used to do this with everything when he was younger. :)

  5. Hi gals :) Thanks for saying hello.
    And a big welcome to Alycia! Your girls are gorgeous & I really enjoyed visiting your blog.
