Saturday, March 21, 2009

Learning on the road


  1. I love rocks! They are such a great forgotten tool. Looks like fun!


  2. how fun, I like the bag they are stred in.

  3. Ahh, thanks! That's my handbag ;)
    The rocks are from a garden bed at our hotel.
    Easy peasy.

  4. Hey Amber... do you want to do this with me?

    I have been thinking for a while about making Waldorfy type things for my kids Easter baskets and was wondering if you would like to share ideas. I will post any that I use, and am probably going to get a few more mamas in on this.

    No addresses need be sent anywhere... just post comments to my blog and I will post to yours. That way, we will both get ideas for great projects, patterns etc. :) The one I am currently working on is a felt fishing game for Logan.

    What do you think?

    Thanks for considering!

