Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My poor (healthy) children ;)

Yup, that's my babies on our recent roadtrip eating crudites at the McDonalds playground!

We did share a Chai latte. Yum ;)


  1. If my Egg would let me I would be "cruditing" along with you :0)

    Ugh I HATE his diet, he ate one 9th of an onion last night (without knowing;) and that was a BIG thing for us).

    Thank you very much for your comment, I have put up a little thank you :0)

  2. AS long as they get to go to the playground, my kids are happy. I was just looking at new blogs and came upon your.

  3. I enjoy doing things like that. Although, now that Alex is much older, it is harder to pull off. We do get only fries, or ice-cream quite often. Here in the rainy Pacific NW of Washington (emphasis on the 'wash') we have to get indoor play places that are not hooked to junk food. It is only logical. I have thought for years about starting my own. Maybe it will be my 4th baby. ;)


  4. TAG! You're it! Come to mine and play if you want to! But only if you want to it's not the law or anything :0)!
