Saturday, November 1, 2008

Reverse trick-or-treat

Okay, so *officially* we don't celebrate Halloween in Australia. But, even as a kid I remeber wanting to get in on the action! A few years ago we started a family tradition of doing 'reverse Halloween' - that is, going door-to-door on our street to *give* treats! The boys (especially Hug) have been so excited about Halloween (I'll try and post some of our Halloween crafts) and couldn't wait to go door-knocking. 

Here we are about to leave, baskets in hand. We baked magic cookies and I found some sweets in the cupboard that I was more than happy to part with. These were our broomsticks and rattlesnakes :)

The magic cookies. I had hoped to make magic *wand* cookies (sticking the star shaped cookie onto a popsicle stick in the baking tray but my cookie dough seemed a bit too fragile)

Daddy leads the way for our fireman and doctor

Hello, is anybody home?! 

We were very proud of them and I think they were too. I like that they're learning early in life how nice it can feel to give:)

1 comment:

  1. Very cute boys Amber! Lovely to see you teaching them to be givers rather than takers! Thanks for visiting our blog. Tracey x
