Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Inspired reading :)

I would like to let you know what my favourite blogs are at the moment. These are my must-reads:

   A Montessori mama & teacher gives us amazing insight to her family & her classroom.

   Jo is an English mama living in Japan who shares her Montessori & life adventures with her 3 year old boy.

   I am soooo inspired by this creative, colourful mama. I just adore her fabrics & have some stashed to frame in my new bathroom!

   All good Montessori-blog-readers have probably already discovered O's wonderful adventures :)

    I've just discovered this blog & it's got some great ideas for Montessori on a budget!

   A mama of 4 little boys gets started with Montessori at home. 

   A creative Montessori mama and teacher who lives in the U.K. We have just printed their cool roadsigns. Love it!

   A mama and her sweet 3 year old daughter homeschool together.

   Shannon teaches her son with the Montessori method and is about to introduce a little one to the teaching mix. Stay tuned!

   The original and the best ;)

A *huge* thanks go out to these inspiring women. I find so much strength & creative energy from your blogs. Keep up the amazing work gals!

{Image: Lovely's beach legs}


  1. What a sweet thing to say!
    I love your blog also, keep sharing!
    aka Montessori Mama

  2. Thank you so much for putting me on your list. Your blog is great!

  3. Just stopping by to say helloooo from Shannon's blog. Glad to know another Montessori Momma...I'll put you in my reader. :)

  4. Thanks for the mention! I'm looking forward to catching up on your blog - I can't believe I haven't found it before!

  5. Thanks for all of your lovely comments :)
    It's fun to hear from you!

  6. Hey A,
    I took the counter off because I felt too excited when it got higher and too disappointed if it didn't. Ya know? If it slowed I did not even feel like blogging...what was the point. But that is just ridiculous! I began blogging for myself and now, with it removed, I can continue to blog for myself.

    I love having all of you to support me and for me to support but my real intention was for an I get both! But with out the pressure!

  7. Thanks so much for mentioning my blog.........I can't wait to look yours over more. It looks really great!!

  8. Yes, it's a *must* that you be blogging for yourself - which is why I kept blogging... even without the possibility of an audience! It's like the ultimate journal or scrapbook - esp. since you can't having a messy-handwriting day ;)
