Monday, June 30, 2008

Hello World!

I have decided to go public! 

I started this blog as a personal journal of my day-to-day Mama experiences but, then,  as I started to read some of the other wonderful blogs that are out there I came to realise what an amazing opportunity this can be for sharing ideas and experiences and and for creating friendships and even little communities of like-minded people.

So... if you are reading this... Hello! I hope that you will enjoy what you find here :)
I guess I might introduce myself. My name is Amber and I'm a stay-at-home Mama of two beautiful boys. Hug (H) is 4 3/4 and has attended a Montessori preschool since he turned 3.  Lovely is 2 1/2 and he spends most of the week with me except for Mondays when he now goes to preschool with his big brother. My husband is T and we were childhood sweethearts. He's a great daddy. 

I discovered Montessori when I was choosing a preschool for Hug and since then I have tried to read and learn as much as possible. I feel a real connection with Montessori - it speaks such truth to me. Its focus on PEACE and individuality and the concrete communication of ideas and learning seem to make such sense. I try to add as much of the philosophy to our home-lives as I can. 

I worked as a designer before I became a Mama (magazines, websites, cards, gifts, short-films) and I enjoy all things arty and creative and I love involving my boys in such endeavours so I hope to infuse some creative fun into this blog too! 

So, I'm getting a little bored thinking about me now ;) Maybe you can post a comment and say hi and let me know who you are!

P.S  In order to turn this private blog public I have gone back through my earlier posts and edited them a little so please excuse if some of it doesn't make sense ;)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Amber! I am looking forward to getting to know you!
